Sunday, March 23, 2008

birds nest soup.

so we've been in krabi for a few days.
finally got this blog up and in action.
expect a whole lot of completely off topic ramblings about the things that i come across on my travels while trying to avoid looking like an aids victim from mosquito bites.
krabi is a little town down on the southwest coast of thailand. it is here in the caves of krabi that one might find the nests of the edible-nest swiflet, of birds nest soup fame.

The white nests and the “red blood” nests are supposedly rich in nutrients which are supposed to have all of these miraculous health benefits. helping with digestion, improving your singing voice (and i suppose your talking and mubling and ranting voice also), increasing your concentration (the thai guy next to me at the computer is looking at pictures of incredibly grotesque looking vaginas. we need to help these people out in the porn department..), improving your general immune system, and allowing your cock to be hard for hours at a time so you can fuck like a sybian.
so hong kong and the u.s. import tons of this shit. in hong kong a bowl of birds nest soup can cost between $30-100 usd.
a kilogram of the white nest can go for about $2000, but a red blood nest can get up to $10,000 per kilo. so most people just put red food coloring into it.
go figure.
so these dudes build hundred foot scaffolding out of super sketched out bamboo and then climb up and steal the nests out of the caves.

there's all this horrible death metal playing in this internet cafe, and these gigantic horrendous vaginas next to me so i'm going to sign off.

going to go to the 7-11 to get a beer and some birds nest soup.

-the kansas kid

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